Rehabilitative Training Graduation 2010 by Sarah Madden

On Wednesday the 14th of July 2010 4 trainees, Paul Roche, James Hannon, Brian Ridgway and myself, Sarah MaddenԚÂ   graduated from the RehabilitativeԚÂ   Training Programme at the Training Centre in Lisnagry.

Our Graduation ceremony was held in the Daghdha Centre, Johnà ¢Ã¢”š ¬Ã¢”ž ¢s Square, Limerick. All of us made speeches to a gathering of our families, friends, invited guests and Staff.

Each of us were presented with a framed certificate of Achievement by our Trainers in the Training Enterprise Employment Services. I got mine from Anne Finegan. Brian progressed to the Woodwork and I to Mulcair Designs, Sheltered Occupational Service in the Training Centre, Lisnagry. Paul and James commenced a 5th year RehabilitativeԚÂ   Training at the Training Centre here in Lisnagry.

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